Monday, 21 February 2011


I need to apologise. I originally set a schedule for this blog for one post every two days, which is easily achievable. However, I've kind of struggled to really meet that goal, or update this blog with any semblance of regularity.

I have an excuse, however. For the past week, I've been studying for exams (which had been postponed due to the terrible weather over winter), and passing has been my main priority. As of Thursday, though, they're over for a good few months, so hopefully then I'll be able to get this blog back on track.

I'll probably work on something more substantial over the next few days, then start posting regularly.


  1. i've been studying for exams too, in the past days. but now they're finally over. :D so.. i'm waiting for new posts :)

  2. sounds good.. i'll come back soon in search of new posts.

  3. Focus on your exams they are much more important than the blog.^^

  4. good luck with the exam, man!! nice post

    + followed:)

  5. Good luck! I have to study too, just 1 week left :/

  6. What did come out? Good grades or was it a fail? Of course I hope that everything is okay :D.
